4 Main Areas Of Real Estate Passive Fire Protection
Real estate agencies ought to invest in Real Estate Passive Fire Protection systems in order to protect their assets. While the most commonly used is the basic fire suppression systems like sprinklers and fire extinguishers, less attention is placed on passive fire protection. Real Estate Passive Fire Protection works by containing the fire in its point of origin such that it does not spread to other parts of the building.
Passive fire protection (PFP) is built to compartmentalise areas and prevent collapsing through a structural defense. Any real estate agency with this type of resistance has way higher levels of protection and assurance for safety. More tips here.
The passive fire protection structure has four main areas:
Structural Fire Protection
The construction of this area is built to guard the skeletal structure involving the steel and joint systems from being hit by the fire. Using fireproof materials such as cementitious products, gypsum-based plasters, and fireproofing cladding, the structural integrity of the building is guarded with the best possible concrete composition.
Fire Compartmentalization
Barriers are built to inhibit the spread of fire in the building and allow a safer egress. By the use of rated walls and floors, evacuation routes are protected from fire and smoke. These structures include firewalls, smoke barriers, fire partitions, which extend through the walls, floors, and ceilings and finally stopped at a concealed space for maximum protection. With these stable concrete materials, fire cannot tear them down easily compared to ordinary walls.
Opening Protection
Doors and entry points serve as the opening protection against fire. Usually, fire-rated doors/glass and framing are assembled to enclose the fire within its area of origin. In-duct systems, fire and smoke dampers are installed to also function as fire barriers. Without the opening protection, fire resistance won't fully serve its purpose.
Fire Stopping Materials
These are useful for limiting the spread of fire in the penetrated barriers from building alterations and minor reconstructions. A fire-stopping material seals the holes left from past fixes and services to allow the full potential of these fire barriers. Consult specialists in Real Estate Passive Fire Protection for buildings to help spot these penetrations.
Another FPF material that contributes to fire stopping is the cable coating for protecting wirings with an intumescent putty, equally protective and easy to remove. Composite sheets, pipe collars, and penetration sealants are all noteworthy fire-stopping products used for covering penetrations where cables and pipes pass through.
Real Estate Passive Fire Protection and fire suppression systems altogether work for one main purpose, which is to control fire. However, it has to be in conjunction with the knowledge of their functions to accomplish a complete fire safety system within the real estate agency.