Australian Capital Territory Fire, Electrical & Safety Services

Meet our great FCF team in the Australian Capital Territory. As you will see by the below list we have all of the ACT covered. As we are out and about most days, and dedicated to being focused on our clients, to contact us please call our main Call Centre. And we will call you back in between jobs.
FCF Fire & Electrical - 68 Pty Ltd is a company that is proudly indigenous-female owned. With a background in Retail Management and Administration, working for FCF in a National Customer Support Role, has taught me a lot about the Fire Industry and the importance of ensuring that our clients are compliant and comply with all fire safety regulations.
Working as the National Customer Support for FCF, I have worked with our many Territory Managers to ensure that our National client’s sites are compliant and ensured that their works and servicing are carried out in a timely manner and to the highest standard. This role has given me the ability to create and maintain relationships with our National clients and I aim to establish more national and local relationships within the Canberra and surrounding areas.
As a proud young aboriginal woman, I aim to build a business that also supports my people in gaining employment within the fire industry. With the aid of the FCF group, I will be able to fulfil my dreams of operating a National business, which has the ability to employ in Metro and Regional areas. As my people, the Butchulla people are based regionally for thousands of years I feel connected to other regional areas.
Helping indigenous Australians from all areas bridge the gap and assist in an industry that provides safety is essential to all.
Our team comprises of Fire industry professionals in all areas of the fire industry and we are here to assist you with your site and safety compliance for your business or premises. We aim to make fire compliance simpler for your business and ensure that your business or premises complies to all regulations and legislation requirements.
Australian Capital Territory
Phone 02 6109 7279
Covering: Acton, Amaroo, Belconnen, Braddon, Brooklands, Bungendore, Captains Flat, Chisholm, Curtin, Deakin, Dickson, Dunlop, Fyshwick, Gordon, Goulburn, Griffith, Gungahlin, Gunning, Hall, Jerrabomberra, Kambah, Marulan, Mawson, Mitchell, Mittagong, Monash, Narrabundah, Ngunnawai, Page, Queanbeyan, Symonston, Tuggeranong, Wanniassa, Woden